Common Carry Declaration
I, Jane Mary Doe, a living woman/man over the age of 21, a declared Canadian National, of sound mind and body, do affirm and declare that I responsibly exercise my right to bear arms, as a peaceful, private Canadian National on Terra Canada, commonly known as Canada, in fulfilling my duty to uphold the public law and keep the peace, I will utilize my weapons through visible or concealed carry as is appropriate.
So signed and sealed this ………. day of , 2023.
By: Jane MaryDoe© All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
Notary Witness and Acknowledgement
Alberta Province
Today I, a Commissioned Notary, met via video link with the living being known to me to be Jane Mary Doe, and she/he affirmed this ‘Common Carry’ by signing it during the virtual meeting, and I have subsequently witnessed their autograph remotely under Part 6A of the Oaths Act 1867 (Queensland) by signing and affixing my seal.
By: ……….…………………………………….. Public Notary; Date…………………………….
In order to complete this document simply put your information in where the red highlights are. Remember to put your recording number at the bottom of the page. And remember to remove this statement before printing your document.
[CCNOT] Page 1 of 1 Recording Number 1111 1111 11111
17)Common Carry Declaration
I, John Adam Doe, a living man over the age of 21, a declared Canadian National, of sound mind and body, do affirm and declare that I responsibly exercise my right to bear arms, as a peaceful, private Canadian National on Terra Canada, commonly known as Canada, in fulfilling my duty to uphold the public law and keep the peace, I will utilize my weapons through visible or concealed carry as is appropriate.
So signed and sealed this ………. day of , 2023.
by: John Adam Doe© All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
Notary Witness and Acknowledgement
…………….. Province
Today I, a Commissioned Notary, met via video link with the living being known to me to be John Adam Doe, and he affirmed this ‘Common Carry’ by signing it during the virtual meeting, and I have subsequently witnessed their autograph remotely under Part 6A of the Oaths Act 1867 (Queensland) by signing and affixing my seal.
By: ……….…………………………………….. Public Notary; Date…………………………….
(This document requires an embossed seal, as well as a stamp, just like the Declaration of Political Status. Typically, the seal will be placed on the bottom of the document. Please remove this red statement and all others above before printing the document. Be sure to add the recording number assigned for thyself to the bottom of the page also.)
[CCNOT] Page 1 of 1 Recording Number RPP1111111 11111 11111 11111