
10-12 Men / Assembl...
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10-12 Men / Assembly questions from Rose

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Carol Volk
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Rose, [2023-10-20 9:15 AM]
#question 1

What is the reason / history behind having the 10-12 men in order to start the assembly?

#question 2

Why do we use the term Assembly instead of PMA (Private members association )? What is the significance of using the word assembly ?


Gwen Rietze, [2023-10-20 11:15 AM]
I believe it is based on the Jewish synagogue, in Judaism you have to have 10 men together to pray. Or to have a synagogue. There are 12 Tribes of israel. That is my best guess. And of course the Practical reason is that you need 12 people. Because it can't be a dictatorship. They tell us nowadays that we need to people from each district in our case province, and so as we begin to stand up our assemblies which we have not yet done because we are just Gathering the people together, we will discuss more about the rules which we have to abide by that we're formulated in the past in order to be a lawful assembly

Gwen Rietze, [2023-10-20 11:16 AM]
And an answer to your second question. What is a pma? I think the word assembly has been used since the beginning. And that is defined as an Ecclesia in the bible. Which is it called out group. When God spoke to Moses in the wilderness he was speaking to the Ecclesia some translations call it assembly. I'm not certain what the acronym stands for so if you want to let me know what that is I can comment on that also. Sorry I don't know what a PMA is

Gwen Rietze, [2023-10-20 11:16 AM]
Oh I forgot to mention Ecclesia is it called out assembly or group. They are called out for a purpose.

Rose, [2023-10-21 7:48 AM]
PMA is a Private members association with a constitution etc similar to this assembly
Where individuals have corrected / changed their status from Public to Private and choose to be part of an association with others who are like minded.

Martin Ansell, [2023-10-21 10:34 AM]
It's historical and they have to be men. What each American State has done is to immediately create the same rights for women, once they have their jural assemblies in place.
