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928 copies

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Carol Volk
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Annie Ducharme, [2024-01-19 7:19 AM]
I have reached the stage of requesting certified copies of package 928.

#question1: For envelope 1 (9 respondents) Do we need 9 copies + 3 extras?

#question2: For envelope 2: Do we only need 3 copies for the "Baby Deed" and 3 copies for "Lawful Marriage". I don't have the other documents.

#question3: For children under 21, do we also have to make notarized copies of their birth certificate?

Thank you for your time

Gwen Rietze, [2024-01-19 8:45 AM]
For this question you have already asked me this privately. So look there for your answer. Perhaps we could refrain from private messaging me if you're going to ask it on the public chat so that I'm not answering it in three places

Gwen Rietze, [2024-01-19 8:43 AM]
No that is wrong. The father is going to include the Baby Deed documents in his reconveience package. But in envelope number two, it gets mailed separately. So you going to probably need three copies of the baby deed. One to go in Daddy's reconvenance package. And if there is no Daddy then it goes in whatever adult is reconveying package. One to go in envelope number two to be mailed separately and it's own Envelope as part of the envelope number two process. And one for the son or daughter to keep.
