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Age of Witnesses

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Carol Volk
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GFG G-String package can be 18

928 package must be 21 and NOT reconveyed

Carol Volk
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More from Gwen...

So I just want to clarify another thing people have discussed on this chat. It's regarding witnesses. Your Witnesses will need to be 21 years old. Even though Canada accepts 18. In the land and soil jurisdiction, the rightful age is 21 years. And so we are following that. If your witness is not 21 years or older, it will be rejected when you submit your documents to us for the 928 package which is part two of the documents that I just spoke about.

And remember there are two separate sets of witness documents. It has to be done twice. You will do it the first time with what we are calling the g-string document, and then yes you may use the same people when you do the full body documents known as the 928 package:-) and yes you do have to redo the forms each time. Because your witness needs to "witness" and attest to/affirm that each time you are autographing in front of the notary

Question from Aela Witch

Answer from Jo-Anne

Gwen has answered this before, so I don’t mind replying.😊
18 years is acceptable in Legal, so Brinn will approve it for sure, but since we are wanting to operate in Lawful, we will plan to use a 21 year old+ witness when we do the full 928 package.
I also did my 18 year old son for the G-String witness, but recognize this document is about intention, and now that I too know better, moving forward, I will ensure that for the Full Body Armour I meet those requirements.

Another answer from Gwen:

No you will not need to because that is just going to Global family group to tell them of your intention. When you do the full body documentation then yes make sure you Witnesses are 21

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@carolvolk Hi there. I am booked to see the notary this Friday. I noticed that the 3rd and 4th page of the gstring are only different with one thing: the 3rd page, Witness Testimony,  has no block for a pucture to be placed while the 4th page of the gstring has one on the top right. #question: Can I use the 4th page twice for each witness. I checked the website, listened to the recordings and didn't find my answer. #question: on the 2nd page of the gstring, last line before the Jurat, it says Declarent [print][autograph] c/o, do we get rid of the line and replace with dots? Or just get rid of the line completely? I listened to the recording and could not hear anything about this. If you can help, that would be great. Thank you

David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski to answer your first question yes, you can simply copy the 4th page twice, the important thing is you have to ( one for each witness) what app are you using to edit the docs? I'd like to have a look at this so I can resolve a future issue if possible 🙂  2nd question yes remove all solid lines off the page, you can use dotted lines but not solid lines ( no pages should have solid lines moving forward) I would "recommend" not using dashes, I tried that and the printer made it solid hahah . Hope this helps 🙂

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@d-wbr0wn Hi David. Thank you for your help. Been having internet issues here where I am. I am using Libre Office. I was unable to do any editing in Microsoft 365 because it said it was full! What is bizarre is I never used it!!! So I did ' Save As ' OneDrive Personal and I can open in my Libre Office...if this helps unless you have a better idea! I am learning to do a lot of this but do not know it all. I am struggling on how to do the 2x2 photo. I am not that savy on the computer! Better at doing face to face therapy and natural grounding for my brothers and sisters!! So what do you suggest to do this? We took photos of ourselves on our phone, sent it to my email and tried to crop the photo. Any better idea? Maybe print it and play with the photocopier until I get it as a 2x2? I least I am trying is what  my recently transitioned Tata ( Polish for Dad) would say!!! 

I also got an email from Brinn, the notary, who wants me to cut and paste his Remote Jurat and leave the solid lines. I wrote back and said I learned they are to be dotted. He said that would be fine! So much to know!!!! I was scheduled tomorrow at 5pm but my witness had to cancel due to famoly matters....trying to get Saturday....Again, thank you so much David. Soon, I will be teaching others!!!💞🙏🥰




David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski I took a picture ( with my phone) of my passport photo and just emailed it to myself, inserted it into the document and resized it. came out to 2X2.5 I think it was, there are a LOT of resize photo apps online for free, a quick search will find them, you just upload it resize then download the finished product, there are lots of ways to accomplish the resize 🙂

David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski for the Microsoft 365 ( just so you have an answer) everything with micrsoft,hotmail or outlook email is saved to your onedrive, it's something that is automatically created with the account, you have to delete things from that drive one drive not from the microsoft 365. if you log into microsoft 365 there is a onedrive ( little Cloud image) on the left bar just in case you decide to use it in the future

David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski The Remote Jurat is On the Documents and Instructions page it's a simple copy and past, when you print this document, print 4 of them, you'll need 2 more later . I removed Brinn's solid lines and put dotted, it wasn't an issue. sorry to hear about your friend, hope everything goes smoothly for you

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@d-wbr0wn Hi David. Yet another question!!! My Microsoft 365 is saying I am at 5GB full....can I just download the files onto a stick and clear my space. This Microsoft 365 is under my daughters account and it won't allow me to purchase more room because she is only 19! In between all this, my Libreoffice crashed! That was how I was by passing the Word which is full and able to edit and type over in the Reconvey document.  So, my ussue now is more the computer....any suggestions? You said press on the cloud on the corner but there is nothing there! I promise to bake you a Polish cake from scratch and send it too you since I just keep bugging you!!!🤯🙀🤯🙀🤯

David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski What I would suggest, go to, or ( both the same) create a free email just for this, you'll get your 5 gig and the 365 and not have to worry about your daughters files, and it's all free. take you 10 min ( maybe lol)

This post was modified 10 months ago by David Brown

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@d-wbr0wn Thank you brother!! Another question: kept listening to the recording and no where does it say if we keep the Witness Autographs as a solid line? Page 2 of the Gstring....and do they sign as they normal would in cursive or print. Trying to get this all perfect for tomorrow!!!💞🙏

David Brown
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@elzbietakwasniewski you're welcome, no documents have solid lines, I believe this was discussed a few times in the training videos. Witness & you will Autograph in Blue Ink, red thumb print touching the end on your last initial , if you look on the "Documents and Instructions" page it give you all those little tidbits, ink color/pen color things like that 🙂 good luck!

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@d-wbr0wn Yes David! I just got an email from Brinn the Notary yesterday that I can keep the lines and don't need to dot! Do you see why I asked? Omg....I will just make dotted lines for the Winesses too! So one says this....ahhhhhh....Breathe!!!! Only thing I am trying to do is copy and paste my photo and will be ready spaghetti!!!! Many hugs David!!!💞🙏

Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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Oh!!! You know under Remote Jurat, and it has Province  XXX in yellow fill, do we replace the XXX with Ontario in our case? And when I typed my Town, I typed Innisfil Town....correct?

By the way, where are you in Canada David? 

Again and again and mmmmm...again Thank Ye...learning!!!🥰



Elzbieta Kwasniewski
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@d-wbr0wn David, I was writing to you and replied to my own reply!!! Hehehehe!!! It is directed to you! Opps....Had a long day!!!🤯

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