@d-wbr0wn Hi David!! Thank you for your kindness!!
My husband and I just completed the remote jurat and on my way to mail. Brinn Norman, the Notary referred from the team, sent me what he wanted for the Remote Jurat and asked me to cut and paste over the one that was online from cnational. He also kept solid lines for his signatures. I followed what he said for this part since he is still a citizen and has not reconveyed to the land and he said that is fine.
I also captured a note from Carol to ask the notary to make a certified true copy of thr g-string package for our records as well...is this what men and women have done here? Much love David!!🙏💞
Hi David! So the first set we did is the gstring and that is what gets sent to the notary and he sends it back signed and sealed and pay the fee $150 for the 2 of us. This is the gstring I upload to the GFG and obtain the GFG card and all about our intentions! And to get us on the land!
Then we work on Envelope #1, which are the 11 different documents, the 928 package, correct? So once Envelope #1 is complete, you hire the notary again to get these documents notorized and pay $150 again for the couple.
In between my daily life, trying to watch these videos where 4 of us share 2 computers!! It's kinda coocoo!!! If my kitties are like ' come on mama, pay attention to us too!!!😻
Much love David and to everyone here!! I make mistakes but learning from them!!!
the notary has not set a fee yet for the 928 package It will be posted once that is determined in the next week or two.
Greetings! I am new to the site and am currently working on the gstring. I plan on doing remote witnessing. Can you share what the paragraph(wording) is that the notary wants? I just found what the cnationals site suggests but want to do this correctly. Greatly appreciate any assistance. Jo-Anne
@jo-annerousseau https://t.me/TASACanadaChat/4490/7855 have a look on the telegram chat from this link