
Autograph - bottom ...
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Autograph - bottom of page on left Β© or not?

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Carol Volk
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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 54
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Aela Witch, [2023-12-22 8:55 AM]
When we autograph at the bottom of the page on the left, do we indicate (Copyright) at the end of our autograph?

Gwen Rietze, [2023-12-22 9:49 AM]
That would be your personal choice. When executing a legal document, we usually put the initials at the top of each page. So this is the equivalent in the land and soil jurisdiction putting our thumbprint and our autograph on the bottom left. In the example that I was showing the individual just put their autograph and their thumbprint and they did not have the copyright sign. Once you are on the land and soil and have completed your documentation you will always use the copyright sign πŸ™‚
