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Born in a different country - Conveying

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Carol Volk
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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 54
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Jacckie Bjorge Black, [2024-01-14 10:54 AM]
#question @Gwen If an individual was born on a different country from where they have been residing on, they must Convey back to their birth country 1st? Even if it's more than 20 years?

David Brown, [2024-01-14 11:31 AM]
they have to reside here for a year and 1 day then they convey here

Gwen Rietze, [2024-01-14 3:01 PM]
So if you're born in a different country the paperwork that you're going to do on our website on Canada is called conveying. It's just a terminology. So you don't pledge allegiance back to your place of birth, you simply fill out the paperwork in the mindset of knowing you are conveying. That means you were born somewhere else but you're coming on the land here on Terra Canada
