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From Terra Australis Aug 2023

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David Brown
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Joined: 1 year ago
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There will be two cards, one "Prosperity Card" to trade with, and one "Credentials Card". All QR Codified, so they're recognised within the antiquated system.

There is a "Vendor" sub domain/Website that we viewed, which is soon to be released to the international public, so vendors can get on and learn how things work. Basically, they can work in both realms, however, they'll be taxed if they don't unincorporate, so it's in the Vendors best interest to move away from corporatism once and for all.

We've come to the realisation that The Global Family Trade Banking System is much bigger than Ben Hur! This is a tangible, international currency, and Hunter has made it clear that they are ready to rock with "Pre Paid Prosperity Cards" for Reconveyed Nationals worldwide.

The question arose of large groups who've reconveyed with the Parse Syntax System, and their eligibility to join the banking system, the answer was a stern no.


As of next week, (Auguast 17) TASA OZ will be directly linked to the Global Family Group's (GFG) International Land Recording and Publishing System, and vice versa, being, GFG will be linked directly to the TASA OZ Website. This is to ensure access to education for all people as they shake off their Usufruct Subjugation.

Speedy Political Correction will now be achieved with a lawful two page document where people from all walks of life can immediately record their status correction, and receive their Trade Banking Prosperity Account within a few days. Everyone on Terra Australis will enter their details on the De facto [Australia] side, and once completed, the GFG system will immediately transfer them over to the De jure Terra Australis side, automatically. People will need to search for [Australia] as opposed to Terra Australis.

The money's there folks, I've seen charged Prosperity Accounts with my own eyes!  Coding is the holdup.

GFG are actively working with the Corporate Bankers and Politicians to ensure international connectivity with the Commercial Banks rolls out smoothly across the plane-t. No country or people will be left behind anywhere in the world. They've secured enough funds to ensure 7 - 8 Billion receive financial relief, word wide.

GFG are currently finalising their systems to produce 500.000 Accounts & Credential Cards every 30 mins.

We all need to be aware that this expeditious Political Correction, only provides the people with a cast iron set of underwear, and is not intended to replace the full body armor of complete reconveyance, which will still need to be achieved to join the Assemblies. All state Nationals need to be fully reconveyed!
