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[Sticky] Welcome

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David Brown
Posts: 67
Topic starter
Joined: 1 year ago

TASA has never been, and never will be, a "Common Law Group", because Sui Generis Common Law, deriving from Admiralty Law jurisdiction in 1750, doesn't define living Men and Women, and it's been this way since 1-666.


TASA is literally all about living Men and Women, and not Alieni Juris or Sui Juris PERSONS, being Chattel belonging to the UNIDROIT/Crown Corporation. 


CANADA is an American owned Shelf Corporation! Are you chattel belonging to a Shelf Corporation? Or are you a living soul that lives on Terra Canada?


As part of the reconveyance process, one becomes the "holder in due course" of the all caps names. So this is only true where the name is not reconveyed to land and soil. After all, they are created from our lawful names and family data, and rightfully belong to us. once we return from lost at sea and claim the names, after that, we do not pretend to be that all caps name, or sign for it, but we autograph as the authorized agent for the name. The government can claim ownership only because we ourselves have not done so.


In this forum, discover 'what happened', what re/conveying means, what is the impact on lifestyle and finances. Then get your questions answered on the 'process'.


Enjoy the journey and Welcome to a new beginning
