
Living in Mexico...
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Living in Mexico...

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Carol Volk
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Natasha Shaw, [2023-12-09 2:37 PM]

Thank you for including me, I am Natasha from Alberta currently living in Mexico and just navigating everything from a distance with a young family and where most of my time is consumed while continuing to manage or rather while trying to continue to manage our various business interests.  I have a bit of homework to do yet I was given a glowing reference about Gwen from a good family friend and I am stoked to learn about how to make all the difference for my family to get ahead of these times of troubles. Thank you!

Gwen Rietze, [2023-12-09 2:39 PM]

Welcome again. So if you have been living in Mexico for a year and a day, you can reconvey with them. Otherwise you do our paperwork as if you're in Alberta 🙂 that will give you a hand. And we actually have someone in our group living in mexico; Jacalyn. So if you connect with her, you guys might actually be close together and could meet together with the other people that are in Mexico doing paperwork 🙂

Mitchell Saxty
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Hi All, I'm in Orangeville Ontario. I have been battling the Peter Nygard child trafficking syndicate since youth. (I escaped from him) As my family is now 3 generations caught in this web, the more i tried to free myself/family the further i realized that all of our public systems are corrupt and protecting this mafia. I used the clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus instrument to detach from the social contract and corrupt police/courts Et All. I'm looking to further my knowledge and gain justice for my father, murdered by the state/nygard. 

Darren Hutton
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Posts: 1

@mitchellsaxty Hi Mitchell, I too am living in Orangeville, small world.  Just stumbled onto this resource today and am excited to learn more.


Darren Hutton
