
Rohan share...
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Rohan share...

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Carol Volk
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Joined: 1 year ago
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From TASA Chats

We love Rohan. 2.3 years in prison, no charge, no record, outlawed from their courts and no remedy unless ye go into their courts and gamble. Rohan and Romley are in a league of their own when it comes to knowledge of the system, hands down full respect.

Usufruct Australian Citizens become Terra Australis state Nationals when they each reconvey/convey with clean hands, and bring themselves back to the Land and Soil jurisdiction. A jurisdiction that's in abeyance since they declared us all aboard their citizenship!

Reconveying thyself, along with each and every one of us, our offspring, our homes and businesses, bank accounts and eventually towns and cites, repopulates the Land and Soil jurisdiction of Terra Australis, and slowly together we gather and create our State Assemblies, where we the people co-create a decentralised future. We ask nothing of the system, except to update and correct their records of our Political Status correction. They are lawfully obliged to follow our directives as they are trading whilst insolvent, however, this is unlikely, as they lack any honourability. . .

Judge Anna has been working on this for 40 years, and is privy to privileged information. Global is Anna's choice to distribute the repatriated wealth that has been unconscionably administrated on our behalf for a very long time. Money has been extorted from us under false pretences through impersonation, along with further fraud schemes and criminality. This is money that's owed to us, both actual assets in gold, and prepaid credit.

It's our inheritance, recoupments, and return of actual assets/ prepaid credit, because they stole our credit as well as gold and silver.

There is not enough money in the world to repay what is owed to the people.
