
STATUTES are writte...
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STATUTES are written in Legalese comment...

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Carol Volk
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From Freedom Agrieved

I believe it to be the case that:
[One argument could be that all STATUTES are written in Legalese, which is not one of the official languages of Canada, so STATUTE law does not apply to. we the People]; and, ... that if / when the time comes to rebut/refer/compare their STATUTES ACTS CODES ~ for example, for Remedy 's sake ~, that [notwithstanding the need to add "cf." immediately before the quoted statute name], that "Yes, DOG LATIN referred to in those styles manuals: "is the poison in the text" that. corrupts and invalidates what is written: it is the language of the dead and they claim that only the dead can read it so they absolve themselves because they can't be held liable for killing something that is already dead in law, which we are all deemed at birth and verified by us using their NAME Name name nAmE naMe LoL ... we
Definitely need to rebut that presumption [!]

Gwen's reply: rebut all presumptions especially those of the roman court
