
"Why we Reconvey / ...
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"Why we Reconvey / Convey"

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Carol Volk
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Was given permission by Muki and Judgie that I could use some of their info from their website - Thanks so much!

The purpose of the Reconveyance is to bring your "Person" back to the land and soil jurisdiction, because your Territorial Employees have removed you from your natural position and standing on the land and soil of this country by registering you as a Ward of their State of State organization.

If you have a Birth Certificate that document places you at sea, not on the land.

Your Good Name has been latched upon and shanghaied, so yes, it is necessary for you to take action to reconvey it back to the Land and Soil of your State.

The Reconveyance repatriates you to your original political status and standing.

Specifically, the Expatriation and Act of State paperwork is to reflag and re-domicile the foreign PERSONS/Persons that have been created and named after you. That language is all precise and precisely what it needs to be to remove these PERSONS/Persons from their native foreign jurisdiction and place them under the Public Law of the States.

These documents have nothing whatsoever to do with you--- the living man or woman --- they are entirely about fictional entities that have been created and operating "in your name" by foreign governments. So stop thinking that you are Expatriating yourself --- you are Expatriating these foreign entities ---THEM/Them --- from their foreign status, so that they have to be administered under our Public Law.

Similarly, the Certificate of Assumed NAME(S)/Names has to do with our government allowing those Expatriated PERSONS/Persons that have been named after you to do business in this country, and establishes the fact that you own those Names/NAMES and that you --- not a State of State Black Robe -- are the one in control of them.

Everything that has been developed has been thoroughly tested for correctness and legal effect.

The only time that this paperwork "fails" is when the Judge isn't convinced that you are who you are and that you know your butts from buttercups. This is a matter of educating the courts but first educating yourselves so that you are no longer being trespassed upon by your own employees.

You don't know what you don't know. Do this process once. Do it correctly, using the verbiage given. Don't add to it. Don't detract from it. Just play it straight and stay in your lane. It's the only safe way for you and your Assemblies to gain and keep your standing.

An Assembly is a place of refuge for Australians --- a place to take shelter from the horrendous mercenary "war" that has been raging on our shores for decades. It is a place where Australians can get organized and prepared to exert the political, economic and legal effort required to put an end to the shameless pillaging and plundering and bring peace to our shores.


As we're all enduring War Crimes of Personage Subjugation, I'd encourage ye all to familiarise yourselves with the word "Perfidy", as this word will add remarkable influence to thy documents!

Once one has reconveyed their Political Status back to the Land and Soil jurisdiction of Terra Australis, thus severing Power of Attorney over thy assumed Legal Person, and tacit agreements are formed, any harassment after that, is War Crime Perfidy, or Perfidious War Crimes, if ye prefer!

"In the context of war, perfidy is a form of deception in which one side promises to act in good faith (such as by raising a flag of truce) with the intention of breaking that promise once the unsuspecting enemy is exposed (such as by coming out of cover to take the "surrendering" prisoners into custody).

Perfidy constitutes a breach of the laws of war and so is a war crime, as it degrades the protections and mutual restraints developed in the interest of all parties, combatants and civilians."

