Declaration Of Land Recording and Sovereign Declaration Of Status – Can-gstring

18)Declaration of Land Recording and Sovereign Declaration of Status 



To Whom these presents shall come 

LET IT BE NOTED, RECORDED AND KNOWN, to all the living and the dead, and to all those administering the affairs of the living and the dead, that: 

This document is a living testimony; it is my statement of truth, assertion and declaration of status, repudiation, and revocation of all assumed or implied statutory or commercial obligations along with extant corporate CITIZENSHIP. I, a Living man/woman choose express intent to declare my sovereign political status and assert all Unalienable rights under the highest law and wish to return to the original land and soil. 

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Divine Law entitle them, a decent respect of the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 

Lawful Name of declarant; name you want to use now Upper & Lower (Hereinafter known as the declarant) a living man/woman choose — the above-named declarant hereby acknowledges and declare my lawful status to uphold, affirm and abide by the above stated declaration and confirm that I Am autographing this document. 

I declare under penalty of perjury under the true highest Public Law of CANADA that I reject, renounce, nullify, void and revoke any/all power of attorney granted by me or under my name or on my behalf by proxy by any/all others prior to this day. All extant indentures, contracts and proprietorships are hereby rescinded. By the presentment of this Declaration, I a living man/woman choose establish my complete authority, unalienable rights under the highest law in original jurisdiction and revoke consent for any third party to administer my affairs, properties, or presume to act on my behalf; 

I establish that I am the owner and operator of my body, vessels and persons on Earth from the moment my zygote first formed, together with all DNA and all substance matter in any way associated with me and my incarnation, and I further declare that I accept my divine origin and all honour, right, title, and material interests I am owed. With immediate effect all titles are subsumed. 

I, Lawful Name of declarant ;    new name                                  Born on the ___(no small th st nd)_ day of _______________ in the year of _______ hereby confirm that I uphold the principles of universal law and assert all my Unalienable rights. 

I exert my lawful standing within the jurisdiction of the land on earth known as (Addendum Reference) Terra Canada, commonly known as Canada. I am a lawful inhabitant of the land and a natural born lawful naturalized member of the population of this country. 

As a living sovereign individual I have the ability to choose, that capability to contract and the will to record my political status in original jurisdiction. 

I hereby establish my permanent home in care of address at; your full physical address with PC [Near X0X 1X0, Canada]        and no other presumption or impersonation is allowed. 

I claim all my rights as the naked owner and the original entitlement holder in due course of all associated names, persons, patents, properties and assets. I take full responsibility for my actions, liabilities, and decisions. 

I declare under the aforementioned penalties that I am a Lawful Inheritor, Landlord, Keeper, and Guardian of the Rightful and Lawful Government of this country, acting with Full Right, Authority, Responsibility and Honor, now and always while my tenure on Earth shall last — and I present this Declaration and place it upon the Public Record on Canada c/o PO Box 1852, Cochrane, Alberta [Near T4C 1B7, Canada] 

This Declaration is valid, true, correct, and complete in all jurisdictions of law: air, land, and sea. So signed and sealed IN WITNESS WHEREOF, autographed at _______where ie Ottawa, Calgary etc_______________________ 

____________________ on the _______ day of _____________________ in the year 2023. 

By __new name autograph with red thumbprint covering last letter________ 

All Rights Reserved 


Declarant [print] [autograph] 

c/o_____your full address like above___________________________________________________________ 

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ 

Witness [autograph] Witness [autograph] 


Before me, the undersigned Land Recording Secretary and Commissioner for Oaths, appeared the living man/woman choose ___________________________ known to me to be the one whose name is subscribed above, and acknowledged execution of the same for the purposes therein contained. 

Witness my hand and official seal this _______ day of _________________, 2023. 



The Global Family Group LRPS Universal Land Record Form v1.11-23-22 [04-07-23] 

Witness Testimony Affirming Canadian Political Status  

and Identity 


John Adam Doe – you autograph above on dotted line then type out new name below line 

add red thumb print to touch last letter 

add 2×2 photo on right 

This Witness Testimony verifies the identity of the Living Man/Woman (choose) shown in this photograph to establish their political status as a natural born Canadian National. 

Name of the living man/woman (choose) appearing in this photo: John Adam Doe (your new name) 

Physical address of the living man/woman (choose) appearing in this photo: eg 123 Street, Victoria, British Columbia [Near L2L 4X2,Canada] 

I, …………………………………………………………. (printed name) witness name match with ID ie driver’s license, know the lawful person shown in the photo above by the name shown, and I know of their family and history, sufficient to know that they were born at the time and place shown on the face of the referenced Birth Certificate or shown on the accompanying Canadian Naturalization paperwork. 

My relationship to the Declarant is………………………………………………………….. (ie friend, sister, mother etc) 

This testimony is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and I make it under Penalty of Perjury under the Public Law of Canada: 

So affirmed this ………. day of ……….……….…in the year two thousand and twenty 

three, 2023 (Phone) ……………… (Email)…………………………………………………………….. 

Sign: ………………………………………………….………witness signs in blue ink the old way 

Notary Witness and Acknowledgement 

ie Alberta Province 

For below choose a City OR Town OR District OR County 

ie Cochrane Town / Mountainview County / Airdrie City 

do not use “of” and must contain both words ie Victoria City 

Today I, a Commissioned Notary, met with the living witness known to me to be (your witness # 1)……………………………………………., and also affirmed this ‘Witness Testimony Affirming Canadian Political Status and Identity’ as shown before me this Written Date, in Witness whereof, I set my Signature and Seal: 

By: ……….…………………………………….. Public Notary; Date……………………………. 

Notary signs and seals your document 

Witness Testimony Affirming Canadian Political Status  

and Identity 


John Adam Doe – you autograph above on dotted line then type out new name below line 

add red thumb print to touch last letter 

add 2×2 photo on right 

This Witness Testimony verifies the identity of the Living Man/Woman (choose) shown in this photograph to establish their political status as a natural born Canadian National. 

Name of the living man/woman (choose) appearing in this photo: John Adam Doe (your new name) 

Physical address of the living man/woman (choose) appearing in this photo: eg 123 Street, Victoria, British Columbia [Near L2L 4X2,Canada] 

I, …………………………………………………………. (printed name) witness name match with ID ie driver’s license, know the lawful person shown in the photo above by the name shown, and I know of their family and history, sufficient to know that they were born at the time and place shown on the face of the referenced Birth Certificate or shown on the accompanying Canadian Naturalization paperwork. 

My relationship to the Declarant is………………………………………………………….. (ie friend, sister, mother etc

This testimony is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and I make it under Penalty of Perjury under the Public Law of Canada: 

So affirmed this ………. day of ……….……….…in the year two thousand and twenty 

three, 2023 (Phone) ……………… (Email)…………………………………………………………….. 

Sign: ………………………………………………….………witness signs in blue ink the old way 

Notary Witness and Acknowledgement 

ie Alberta Province 

For below choose a City OR Town OR District OR County 

ie Cochrane Town / Mountainview County / Airdrie City 

do not use “of” and must contain both words ie Victoria City 

Today I, a Commissioned Notary, met with the living witness known to me to be (your witness # 2)……………………………………………., and also affirmed this ‘Witness Testimony Affirming Canadian Political Status and Identity’ as shown before me this Written Date, in Witness whereof, I set my Signature and Seal: 

By: ……….…………………………………….. Public Notary; Date……………………………. 

Notary signs and seals your document ( MUST be red seal /not gold)